
TKW is The United States 1st TRENDSetter!!!



Founded in 2021 by four leaders with over 75 years collective experience in the Technology sphere, TeKnowledge World Wide (TKW) has established itself as a truly one of the kind AuthenTEK community which builds partnerships with industry leaders in an entirely new philanthropic approach which lends to QUALITY relationships that build stronger life long bonds with a sense of purpose and mission.

Verification or Certification Podcast w/ Mike Grindele

AnyWare Cloud Sync

“TKW has the honor of becoming the FIRST AuthenTEK Brand Ambassador for TREND Networks in the United States! The combined knowledge & experience from our members is second to none. This partnership solidifies the work we have been doing and further embodies our proven mindset of #communityOVERcompetition”

– Ray Cline, Co-Founder, President

Contact us to learn more about TKW Community

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We`ve extended Early Bird pricing thru Sunday for a "Sweetheart" of a deal!

This is your last chance at our half off pricing! Get your #TEKFest ticket now!


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The only thing stopping you is you.

Be relentless in your mindset to achieve your goals.

We`ve brought together an amazing panel of speakers ready to help you achieve your next goal.

We will help you take that step together!

#communityovercompetition #nashville #technology #tech #speaker #keynote #conference #lowvoltage #toolsofthetrade #msp #security

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REAL-TIME LEARNING - A company you may not know just yet - but you should and will! RTL is an eLearning platform builder and provider that also builds easy to follow learner videos - they`ve built an amazing platform that can scale with your business and keep your team well trained and educated!

There`s still time to register!

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POWER UP! @eaton_corp is back as a proud sponsor of #TEKFest - they`ve been with us for every event and we`re excited to have them showcase and teach us about their new lines, products and services!

Come join us in #Nashville for an amazing educational showcase packed with friends and learning experiences built to raise the industry!

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Come meet @annavija of @piccolosolution at #tekfest! Anna-Vija is presenting "Networking That Works" - ITs all about connecting and following thru with the people you meet to maximize your business growth!

Seriously - get to TEKFest!

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Moira Rubino, VP Services & HR shares with the FUTURA team why they`re partnering with TEKnowledge Worldwide as part of their new initiatives for 2025 - Giving Back!

We`re so happy they`re joining us as a Partner and Sponsor for
#TEKFest this year.

Join us for an educational event like none other!

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Hammond Manufacturing is joining us at #TEKFest - they`ve been a HUGE supporter of our community - every rack you`ve seen at our TEKSGiving projects have always been donated by Hammond - they`ve even donated all accessories, branded panels - the simple touches that make our installs beautiful!

Come join us and see why our preferred Rack partner is Hammond - and learn about all their products and solutions!


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Tonight...some of our TKW members chatted up all things #TEKFest - we answered some questions live - and made folks aware of some things they mayne didnt know!

Join us

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