TKW Partners
TKW works with and uses the following trusted vendor products and services.
#teksgiving is back - this time we`re serving @missionfitbaltimore in Baltimore MD - and we`d love YOU to join! Check out for more details on how to join, donate and sponsor the event!
#tkcommunity #tkpartner #missionfit #baltimore
Teaser - @grindele.mike of @trend_networks and @letstalkcabling break down a qualifier and a certifier with @libertasray - quick explanation of what purpose they serve best.
This is an amazing hour chock full of REAL insight by experts in their respective fields. Full podcast drops soon!
#communityovercompetition #structuredcabling #cableinstaller #cablecertification #timetogoblue #podcast #tkcommunity #tkpartner #letsgo #letstalkcabling #toolsnotprops #toolsofthetrade #trendnetworks #netally #knowledgeispower
Tester or Certifier? Which is best? Well - that depends! Follow for video coming soon!
#communityovercompetition #timetogoblue #netally #cat6 #structuredcabling #testing #toolsofthetrade #toolsnotprops #letstalkcabling #trendnetworks #trending #tkcollab #tkpartner #tkshowcase #
Quick how to on downloading a job from the @trend_networks Networks AnyWARE Cloud. Assuming you`ve already got jobs setup on the AnyWARE cloud platform and your LanTEK IV is on a Wireless Network - here`s how you get jobs to sync to the device so you can start testing!
This will save you time & effort of preprogramming jobs in to the device manually.
#goblue #communityovercompetition #toolsofthetrade #teknowledge #tkcommunity #tkpartner #certified #data #lowvoltage #lowvoltagetech #tkshowcase #cat6 #viralvideos
Stay plugged into @teknowledgeww & @trend_networks - we`ve got some fantasTEK content coming up showing you some tips and tricks to get the most out of the LanTEK IV Certifier.
#communityovercompetition #tkcommunity #tkcollab #trendnetworks #goblue #cat6 #tkw #toolsofthetrade #toolsnotprops #timetogoblue #tipoftheday #tektip #lowvoltage #cablecertification #cableinstaller #data #tkpartner
This episode we show how fast and EZ it is to uplaod jobs from the @trend_networks LanTEK IV to the Trend AnyWARE platform. Generate a fully customizable report in seconds!
Wish yours did that? Time to go blue!
#communityovercompetition #wishminedidthat #timetogoblue #lowvoltage #tkcommunity #toolsnotprops #toolsofthetrade #trendnetworks #trending #cat6 #structuredcabling #teknowledgeww #teknowledge #tkpartner
Our partner @trend_networks sent us the LanTEK IV to run through some tests - and one of the best features (on top of the 20+ other best features!!!) Is the VisiLINQ VISUAL light that shows you even in dark places a visual confirmation that your work is correct. Like @allgreenlightsllc will tell you - ALLGREENLIGHTS is the way to go!
Keep following us for more REAL world scenarios where we put the best tools to use in practical situations.
IT doesn`t get better than #communityovercompetition - join us today!
#tkpartner #tkcollab
LYNN @totalcablesolutions & @platinumtools will be in booth #C6 at #TekFest! Stop by to check out all their products and learn about all their offerings in the fiber and copper space!
2 days away - you don`t want to miss this!